Now in the shop: Online learning modules Sustainable practice management

Fact Sheet "The New Coal

In our articles you will now find a fact sheet on Beyond Plastics' publication "The new Coal" (October 2021). The full publication is available here.

"Climate protection in practices" by KLUG e.V.

In our information section you will now find information from the German Climate Change and Health Alliance (KLUG) on climate protection in practices. You can find the link to the original article here.

Divestment and reinvestment

Suggestions for withdrawing funds from fossil fuel investments can now be found in our latest QM template on divestment and reinvestment.

Climate-friendly health facilities

The recently published KLUG (German Climate Change and Health Alliance) framework is now available as a link on our website. You can find the original work as PDF as well as EPUB here:

Climate protection as disease prevention

Current article in the German Medical Journal 26/2021 on the connection between health and climate protection: "Doctors want to maintain people's health. However, it is threatened by anthropogenic environmental changes and the climate crisis. With climate protection measures in their own practice, doctors can therefore also contribute to the health of their patients."

JuDerm position paper

In our information section you can now find the position paper of JuDerm (Young Dermatologists) on sustainability in health care and global health protection. You can find the link to the original paper here.

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