Further links
Topic Overview
1. info pages on micro- and macroplastics
2. microplastics guidebook
BUND e.V.: Shopping guide microplastics
Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL): Plastic & Climate
CodeCheck AG: Microplastic study
Greenpeace e.V.: Microplastics in cosmetics
Health and Environment Justice Support e.V.: Position Paper Microplastics
Heinrich Böll Foundation e.V. & BUND e.V.: Plastic Atlas
Federal Environment Agency: Plastics in the environment
Umweltbundesamt GmbH (AT): Microplastics in the environment
WWF Germany: Microplastics in the environmentWWF Germany: Study "Packaging Turnaround Now
3. studies on micro- and macroplastics
4. apps and websites for checking ingredients of cosmetics.
5. dermatological societies and professional associations
6. political aspects
7. dermatological online encyclopaedias
8. reports on climate change
9 Climate change and health
10. medicines and practice management
Ärzteblatt Sachsen 1/2021: Water protection through fewer pharmaceutical residues | Complete edition available here
DECHEMA e.V.: Disposal of medicinal products done right
HCWH Europe: European healthcare's phase-out list for chemicals of concern | PDF German / English / Français
HCWH Europe: Measuring and reducing plastics in the healthcare sector
HCWH Europe:Promoting safer disinfectants in the healthcare sector
MedTech Pharma e.V.: Ecological sustainability of medical devices
S2k Guideline Disaster Medical Prehospital Treatment Guidelines
11 Divestment
12. endocrine disruptors
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