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Chair of the Working Group on Sustainability in Dermatology (AGN) e.V.

Dr. med. Dipl. Biol. Susanne Saha, Dermatology, Freiburg
1st Chairperson

Dr. med. Dennis Niebel, Dermatology, Regensburg
2nd Chairman

Dr. med. Christina Hecker, Dermatology, Cologne
3rd Chairperson

Advisory members

Working groups

AG Plastic, questionable ingredients in externals and over-the-counter medicines:
Head: Dr. med. Dipl. Biol. Susanne Saha, Dermatology, Freiburg
Esther Luhmann, Pharmacy, Valencia, Spain (VdPP)
Ann-Kathrin Ortmann, Bioanalyst, Iffezheim

AG Sustainable Clinic and Practice Management, Resilience:
Head: Dr. med. Christina Hecker, Dermatology, Cologne
Dr. med. Sabine Anders, Dermatology, Munich
Dorit Düker, MD, Dermatology, Berlin (JuDerm)
Anne Hübner, MD, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Hamburg (KLUG e.V.)
Dr. med. Christin Löffler, Dermatology, Heilbronn
Dr. med. Matthias Schmidt, Dermatology, Hanau
Sebastian Strube, Dermatology, Marburg

WG Academic Projects and Digital Medicine:
Head: Dr. med. Dennis Niebel, Dermatology, Regensburg
Dr Valentina Busik, Dermatology, Giessen
Ruben Heuer, Research Associate Charité, Berlin
Luise Jopen, MD, Dermatology, Sutherland (UK)
PD Dr. rer. medic. Annika Wilke, Health Education, iDerm Hamburg and Osnabrück

AG Aesthetic-Cosmetic Dermatology and Cosmetic Ingredients:
Chair: Dr. med. Su Youn Becker-Weimann, Dermatology, Karlsruhe

The AGN is looking for more active members who are welcome to sign up for a WG. One-off project-related contributions are also welcome.
Please contact You us.

Member directory

Last nameFirst nameTitleActivity and location
AdldingerCarolinDr. med.Neurology, Freising
AndersSabineDr. med.Dermatology, Munich
BaldaufClaudiaDr. med.Dermatology, Bad Reichenhall
Baumann ConzettKatrinDr. med.Dermatology, Lucerne (Switzerland)
Becker-WeimannSu YounDr. med.Dermatology, Frankfurt
MugSimonePsychology, Freiburg
BergenthalPaulDermatology, Iserlohn
BernhardtKendra MahelaHealth and social services specialist, Karlsruhe
BettingerJörgDr. med.Dermatology, Karlsruhe
BothJeannineDr. med.Dermatology, Stäfa (Switzerland)
BrendelLukeDr. med.Dermatology, Karlsruhe
BrzoskaTinaDr. med.ENT, Greifswald
Bühler-SingerSusanneDr. med.Dermatology, Uttenreuth
BürkleCarl-PhilippDr. med.Dermatology, Haslach
BüttnerMarionDr. med.Dermatology, Dieburg
BusikValentinaDr. med.Dermatology, Giessen
DedererHildegardDr. med.Dermatology, Passau
DietzPeterDr. med.Dermatology, Ampfing
Ermert-RothSusanneDr. med.Dermatology, Cologne
ErniBarbaraDr. med.Dermatology, Basel (Switzerland)
FilfilSusanneDr. med.Paediatrics and adolescent medicine, Cologne
FischerKatharinaDr. med.Dermatology, Karlsruhe
FischerTanjaDr. med.Dermatology, Berlin
FuchteTobiasDentistry, Cologne
GergerVivianeDr. med.Dermatology, Frankfurt
GiemeUlfDr. med.Dermatology, Meinerzhagen
GillitzerReinhardProf. Dr. med.Dermatology, Kempten
GkogkolouParaskeviDr. med.Dermatology, Düsseldorf
HaanAnneDr. med.Dermatology, Berlin
HallauLukeDr. med.Anaesthesiology, Constance
HavenithReginaDermatology, Bonn
HaverkampfSonjaDr. med.Dermatology, St. Gallen (Switzerland)
HeckerNorbertDr. med.General medicine, Cologne
HeselhausSabineDr. med.Surgery, Adligenswil (Switzerland)
HeuerRubenResearch Associate Charité, Berlin
HinterbergerLouisaDr. med.Dermatology, Taunusstein
HörsterStefanDr. med.Dermatology, Freiburg
HübnerDagmarDr. med.Gynaecology, Bad Dürkheim
HuerkampChristinaDr. med.Dermatology, Euskirchen
JagowJohannaDr. med.Dermatology, Warburg
JohnSven MalteProf. Dr. med.Dermatology, Osnabrück
JopenLuiseDr. med.Dermatology, Sutherland (Great Britain)
Jost-PluschkeAnnetteDr. med.General medicine, Nuremberg
KaplanJohnDr. med.Paediatrics, Rheinstetten
ChewFriederikeDr. med.Dermatohistopathology, Berlin
KautzkyFlorianDr. med.Dermatology, Buchloe
Khalifa-ParuchMahitabDr. med. univ.Dermatology, Vienna (Austria)
CookSusannePD Dr. med.Anaesthesiology, Berlin
CoalfishAnnetteDr. med.Dermatology, Berlin
CoalfishKristinDr. med.Behavioural medicine, Leipzig
CoalfishLuisa-MariaDr. med.Paediatrics, Duisburg
KörberJendaDr. med.Dermatology, Frankfurt
Krämer-SchultheissKatjaDr. med.Dermatology, Giessen
KrickebergHolgerDr. med.Dermatology, Cologne
ShortBernadettDermatology, Regensburg
LietzbergBettinaDr. med.Dermatology, Schkeuditz
Solver-VinczeVirágDr. med.Dermatology, Essen
Lusi'sKarinDr. med.Anaesthesia, Leverkusen
ColumnLisaDr. med.Dermatology, Leinfelden
Manasterski-UngerMariaDr. med.Dermatology, Berlin
MangRenzDr. med.Dermatology, Wuppertal
MarschnerJasmineDr. med.Dermatology, Freiburg
MeidingerMargitDr. med.Dermatology, Vienna (Austria)
MeinelKatharinaDr. med.Laboratory Medicine, Dortmund
MeissnerMarkusProf. Dr. med.Dermatology, Frankfurt
MicudajSonjaDr. med.General medicine, Ladbergen
MikhaimerNadiaDr. med.Dermatology, Rendsburg
MileounisVasileosDermatology, Karlsruhe
MinnemannAnnetteDr. med.Dermatology, Bornheim
MinnemannManuelDr. med.Dermatology, Bornheim
MohmeHenrikDr. med.Dermatology, Porta Westfalica
MpilatisChrysantheDermatology, Frankfurt
MüllerStephanieDr. med.Dermatology, Bad Rappenau
NiebelDennisDr. med.Dermatology, Regensburg
NippesenBeateDr. med.Dermatology, Bünde
NippesenMarcusDr. med.Dermatology, Bünde
OchsenbeinAndréDr. med.Ophthalmology, Buchrain (Switzerland)
OjakGregorDermatology, Mainz
OrtmannAnn-KathrinBioanalytics, Iffezheim
PartheyBeatriceDr. med.Dermatology, Düren
PauenVieraMedical assistant, Cologne
Peus-WoltemadeAnnePharmacy, Sandkrug
Philip DormstonWolfgang G.Priv.-Doz. Dr. med.Dermatology, Cologne
PrinceHannahRadiology assistant, Freiburg
PulseWibkeDermatology, Bad Essen
QuilitzschBrittaAdministration Dentistry, Karlsruhe
QuinklerCarolinDr. med.Dermatology, Brühl
ReinshagenValerieDr. med.Dermatology, Brussels (Belgium)
RetterspitzMonikaDr. med.Neurology, Cologne
RöckemannMaditaDr. med.Dermatology
SauvignyDanielaDr. med.Internal Medicine, Wedel
SchaeferWimDr. med.Dermatology, Münster
SchätzleMartinDr. med.Dermatology, Radolfzell
SchemppChristophProf. Dr. med.Dermatology, Freiburg
SchmichMareikeDermatology, Karlsruhe
SchmidKristinaPractice management, Karlsruhe
SchmidtKerstinDr. med.Dermatology, Leverkusen
SchmittHannaDermatology, Karlsruhe
SchönigFranziskaDr. med.Dermatology, Brandenburg
SchreyerHeikeDermatology, Bergisch Gladbach
DebrisChristinaDr.Medical Psychology, Giessen
SwedeKatharinaDr. med.Dermatology, Leipzig
StaubachPetraProf. Dr. med.Dermatology, Mainz
from Stebut-BorschitzEstherProf. Dr. med.Dermatology, Cologne
StraubDominikPharmacy, Cologne
StormJuliaMedical students, Regensburg
SymanzikCaraPD Dr rer. nat. habil.Health Sciences, Osnabrück
ten FreyhausKatharinaDr. med.Dermatology, Cologne
TerresLeonardGeneral medicine, Freiburg
ThiessenNadjaDr. med.Dermatology, Minden
JoinersMaxDr. med.Dermatology, Dortmund
Weiglein-GillitzerUteDr. med.Dermatology, Sonthofen
VanscheidtWolfgangProf. Dr. med.Dermatology, Freiburg
Viardot-HelmerAstridDr. med.Dermatology, Leverkusen
WilkeAnnikaPD Dr. rer. medic.Health Education, Hamburg and Osnabrück
WinckelmannKathrinDr. med.Dermatology, Cologne
WittenhorstManfredDr. med.Dermatology, Euskirchen

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