Learning modules
Advanced training courses for medical assistants (MFA)
In November 2021, the German Medical Congress called for the immediate implementation of sustainable measures by medical societies. The goal: to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the health sector to protect patients.
We believe that coping with this additional workload can only succeed through comprehensive information of all health sector workers. The AGN learning modules therefore provide basic knowledge on the climate and plastic crisis, sustainable measures, resilience and planetary health, among other things, in approx. 45-minute online seminars. Time-saving and easy-to-implement tips are intended to help integrate sustainable measures permanently into normal working life. The seminars are supplemented by
Learning modules through detailed free QM proposals on this platform, which can be integrated into the practice's own QM system. Working sustainably does not only mean protecting the climate and the environment, but also strengthens the team and helps to save costs.
The learning modules are thematically oriented towards the Curriculum of the German Medical Association for the training of medical assistants. They are also suitable for employees in the nursing professions.
We recommend viewing the modules in order, as they build on each other in terms of content.
The course series is continuously being expanded to include new topics. Please keep up to date on this page.
Video created by ZenOffice

This course includes modules on climate change basics and explains sustainable practice management with tips and tricks.
After this course, you will be able to independently introduce simple and effective sustainable measures into practice, increase your own satisfaction and thus make the workplace more attractive.
Duration per course module: approx. 40 minutes
Total course duration: approx. 1 hour 20 minutes

The modules of this course deal with the impact of the climate crisis on practices and what actions to take now.
After this course, you will have understood which crises caused by weather events could also affect your practice in the future and how you can deal with possible problems confidently and effectively.
Duration per course module: approx. 40 minutes
Total course duration: approx. 1 hour 20 minutes

Bu ders, iklim değişikliğinin temelleri üzerine modüller içerir ve İpuçları ve püf noktaları ile sürdürülebilir pratik rehberlik.
Bu kurstan sonra, basit ve etkili sürdürülebilir önlemleri pratikte bağımsız olarak uygulayabilecek, kendi memnuniyetinizi artırabilecek ve böylece işyerini daha çekici hale getirebileceksiniz.
Course modülü başına süre: yaklaşık 40 dakika
Toplam kurs süresi: yaklaşık 1 saat 20 dakika
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