Die Dermatologie: Topic Sustainability, January 2023
What does sustainability mean for practices and clinics? What is the impact of microplastics on health and the environment? What role does sustainability play in the guidelines?
CME article Sustainability in dermatological practice and clinic
Challenges and solutions, January 2023, open access
Sustainable transformation of practices and outpatient clinics
Article by Susanne Saha, Anne Hübner, Esther Luhmann, Dennis Niebel and Christina Hecker in Dermatology on 16.12.2022
Microplastics and dermatological care
Plastics are currently indispensable in many areas. Nevertheless, doctors have a responsibility to prevent negative consequences for the health of the population.
Plastics and sustainability in dermatology
Article by Dr. med. Susanne Saha in the journal "Der Hautarzt", issue 8/2021. Also published in other medical journals.
Disposable vs. reusable
Article by Christina Hecker, MD, and Stefanie Brauer on Medtec Online on 23.06.2022
How sustainability in pharmacy and dermatology are interrelated
Interview with Dr. med. Susanne Saha and Dr. med. Christina Hecker in the VdPP newsletter, issue no. 113, 05/2022 "(...) the many millions of product pouches alone, which are produced annually by the pharmaceutical industry and dispensed in doctors' surgeries and pharmacies, represent an immense waste and emissions problem."
Microplastics: from the jar to the plate
Article by Dr Susanne Saha in the BVDD magazine "Der Deutsche Dermatologe", May 2021 issue
Microplastics: Invisible health hazard
Article by Dr. med. Susanne Balzer (DGIM) and Dr. med. Susanne Saha (DDG) in MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin, Volume 163, Issue 15/2021
The dark side of sunscreen, toothpaste & co.
Contribution by Dr Susanne Saha for Universimed